Services and Rates

Initial Assessments: This is a 60-90 minute session to complete a case history together and opportunity to complete a play based assessments with little ones. Initial assessment sessions are £85 and include verbal feedback and initial strategies. For written information following this there is an additional charge.
Therapy Sessions: Therapy sessions following on from initial assessment are booked for one hour. This can be done weekly, fortnightly or monthly depending on what works for you and your family. These therapy sessions are £65. Therapy sessions include targeted activities for the specific needs of each individual. They include verbal feedback on progress and targets, as well as ideas for therapy at home.
Written Report: These are £65 and include a summary of assessment findings and/or therapy progression. Included as part of this report are next steps for therapy and written strategies to use at home to support communication skills at home.
Nursery and school Visits: These are up to an hour setting visit to complete observations, assessments and therapy as well as verbal advice for staff. These are £65.
Nursery Programmes - A written programme of therapy activity ideas and strategies for staff, with a verbal handover to a key member of staff. These are £65.